I am totally rockin’ out to the Aladdin soundtrack at work right now. It’s taking all I have not to sing out loud. It may be one of my gayer traits, but I love me some Disney!

So its been a day or two since I’ve posted, but as per usual there’s not a whole lot going on. I’ve been helping re-build our 1,200 square foot deck, which has been interesting. I like building things and its a good experience.

Also, Charlie and I took a trip to a really romantic little bed & breakfast here in Sacramento called The Amber House. You can check out some pictures and my Mediagasm review of it here.

Other than that, the only other especially blog-worthy thing is that I got myself a gym membership last Thursday. I went on Tuesday for the first time and then again yesterday, and I’m planning to go yet again tonight. Charlie is helping me to learn the things I need to do to lose the weight I’ve wanted to lose for YEARS (not to mention the 20 lbs I’ve gained since my car accident) and gain muscle at the same time. By far my favorite thing so far are the elliptical machines. I pretty much despise running, but the elliptical is so low impact and the time goes by so fast on it that I’m dripping sweat within 10 minutes and still feel good. I aim to be slimmed down to more where I want to be by mid summer, since I’ll be going up to 7 days in a week, a minimum of 5. Here are my measurements at the moment:

Height: 5’10”
Weight: 180 lbs
Chest: 40″
Actual Waist (I wear my jeans on my hips): 39″
BMI: 26.2%
I plan to get these measurements WAY down and finally be more satisfied with my body. I’ve disliked my body for years but never really did to much about it. Until now! I’m actually writing a weekly article over at GenerationQ.net about it. It’s an interesting human interest thing and also forces me into a measure of accountability.

Ok well I’ll cut this blog post off here, but I’m making a concerted effort to make myself post more often. No one really reads this, but it’s nice to have things that are going on on my life recorded down so I can look back on everything and remember what happened when.

Later days!

And I’m on my way…

August 27, 2006

I now join the world of the crazy 19 year old… =P

My birthday was on Friday, I’ve been meaning to post for a couple days now. I had pretty much the most amazing birthday ever! The night before I ended up stopping by Mel’s house after work because I wanted to help her out by mowing her jungle of a yard. Afterward she suggested I just stay the night, which seemed like a great idea, so we hung out, Eric came over, Danny came over, and we all had a crazy night looking up wierd/funny porn and laughing our asses off! I finally ended up getting to sleep at like 2 in the morning and was tired as hell when I finally woke up at 7:30 the next morning (45 mins after I should have).

I sped my ass on home to go out ot breakfast with my family to the Train Station up in Shingle Springs and had a GREAT breakfast of biscuits and gravy. I spent pretty much the most of my day being lazy and just relaxing, and I couldn’t have asked for anything else. Charlie was planning on being at my house by around 5:30, so I went ahead and took a nap at 2:30, thinking I’d be safe. Well at like 4 he calls and says he’s gonna be really early. How early? Oh just 4:30 lol. So I jumped into the shower and managed to be half dressed by the time he got here.

Oh boy, let me tell you… He looked FOINE! Dark charcoal grey suit pants and jacket, really nice shoes, a black tie, and a deep blood read dress shirt with black pinstripes. He is SO sexy!! I wore my new black slacks and my black suit coat with my brand new blue modern stripe dress shirt my parents bought me for my birthday. Anyway, we finally took off to an unknown location (Charlie wouldn’t tell me where we were going). We get to Old Sac, and to my surprise, we were going to The Firehouse! Dinner was AMAZING! I had duck for the first time ever, and it was really good. Dessert was heavenly. But nothing compared to the amazing guy smiling across the table at me!

Anyhoo, after dinner he wouldn’t tell me where we were going next. Turns out we were just going across the street to the Embassy Suites where he had gotten us a SUPER nice room on the top floor! We spent a great night together, pretty much topping off the best birthday I’ve ever had.

The day after was our 9 month too, but we didn’t do anything big, which is totally cool, considering Charlie gave me the best birthday ever! I can’t believe that it’s been 9 months already! He makes me so happy all the time, and that hasn’t changed other than to get stronger throughout this whole time. It hurts to not be able to see him as much as I’d like sometimes, but it just serves to make the time we do get together that much more amazing. And while 9 months is a long time, especially in gay relationships, I can totally see it lasting indefinately. Normally in my relationships before its always been a feeling of “Wow this is cool and great, but I could see it ending, oh well, enjoy it while it lasts!” But with Charlie its more of feeling that I don’t see it ending any time soon, that if something came along to endanger it, I would do anything in my power to make it right.

Last night was kinda fun too, we went to Sean’s house (Sean is Charlie’s best friend) and we went to 2 different parks and played Hide-n-Seek! It was fun up until we changed parks to this really huge playground called Playground of Dreams. It was actually a really awesome park but at night it was really creepy. I ended up losing my keys somewhere too, so I had to stay the night at Sean’s on the air mattress. SO stressful.

ANYWAY I could actually probably rattle on for longer about other crap but I’ll spare that pain and anguish. =)

Hello all you in cyberland…

Even though I’m fairly sure no one even reads this =P

Charlie just left my house, so I’m just chillin’ and relaxing. But I have to shower and get in bed earlier than midnight tonight, unlike the last few days lol. 5 hours of sleep is not enough to operate on comfortably. But oh well, everything went fairly smoothly today. I made fun inserts for my new binders last night, one of which is all pictures of me and my girls from high school and one is all my Mel-bugs and I. Apparently a very high school-ish thing to do, but I never did it then so why not start now?

Charlie came over to my house for dinner tonight which was fun. My mom made homemade tacos and we all sat and talked for a long time. My family seems to be very open-arms to Charlie, and whether or not they know we’re dating yet, I have no complaints. My grandma from Texas and my mom both hug him when they see him and are all very conversational and seem to enjoy his company. I’ll take what I can get at this point =P

Work was actually fine today. It kinda felt like it was dragging on at one point, but I got frantically busy afterwards so the rest of it flew by. I love my job, its the only job I know of where you can work on homework if you’re done with all the pressing work. My boss is awesome and I generally like all the people I work with. Plus i get a raise up to 9.75 in October! Soo woot for that.

Anyway, no ideas yet about what I plan to change my blogging too (see my last 2 blogs for what I mean). Though I’ve decided to get a separate blog for my other idea so I still have my own personal lil outlet. Sooo keep an eye out for that.

Its shower time, a little gaming time, then bed time! G’night all!

Life is nice.
Things are going really well in so many areas.

Car is actually almost fixed now.
We drove it the other day.
Working out some unforseen kinks.
Another expensive part coming in tomorrow.
Hope that works it all out.
*knocks on wood*

My romantic life couldn’t be better.
He’s amazing.
I’m smiling.

Family is aggravating, but that isn’t anything new.

Sadies is coming up.
And I cannot wait.
He’s gonna look SEXY.
Though he can’t help it anyway.
Even without the outfit.


September 4, 2004

Yea, I dunno.

I feel like shit. Which scares me because I have no idea why, at least not why I feel bad just right now.

I was going to go on a date today, but nooo i had to stay home and be here with mi madre all day when ive been saying for a week how i was gonna go do something today, and no one objected. Sam was here, and I figured he was going to be here with mom, but he just kinda left on a motorcycle ride. I had like 2 hours to myself today, and I went and hung out with Adam at It’s a Grind and then we went to Folsom and Sunrise so he could pay some bills.

This bag of Starburst makes me mad. Its mostly orange and yellow.

Like most everyone else, not EVERYONE but a lot, Im pissed off at the male species. I want a boyfriend. Really badly. I want someone who I can go see and cuddle with. And share with.

My friend situation is as wierd as ever. I have a lot of friends, and some awesome ones are mixed in, but I dont have a best friend. I havent since Nikki and I grew apart. I think I’m getting used to it, but the fact that I dont have a best friend kinda saddens me. Most people know who theyre walking with at Graduation, I don’t even know where to start. I dont have anyone to call when something super exciting happens, and no one that calls my parents “mom and dad” too. I want that.

Another fuckin orange starburst.

And a yellow. Suprise suprise.

Oh well. I’m gonna go read or something.

Still needing a snog

August 12, 2004

Fiddly fo fum

Bored. My neice and brother came over after my dad and other brother got back from their trip to South Dakota. They went to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally over there. Something like 600,000 people and it was only the first day.

Still listening to the Postal Service, still godly. But, as my title suggests, ive been in a snogging (kissing) mood. Kinda makes me wish for things that are gone already. Oh well, Ill evenually get another snogging partner (i.e. boyfriend) it’s just a matter of how god damn soon lol. I havent been single for that long but I’m ready to not be again. “Fancy a snog?” *uses the cool new finger quotes thing that everyone should do becasue cool people do it*

I just love the word “snog” wherever the hell the British came up with it. That and jimjams must be added to my vocabulary.

I’m supposed to be making up a list of things I want for my birthday. On the “bright side” I’ll probably be working on hte night of my birthday. Woot. I get to be at one of my least favorite places on my birthday, how breathtaking. I also need to come up with a date and theme for my party. I did Hollywood last year, and that turned out splendidly. Dunno for this year.

Greg comes up on saturday to hang out. That should be super funtabulous.

I need to do something on Sunday too preferrably, after work, being the last day of summer and all. Doubt many people are still free on short notice though. Maybe someone can squeeze me in.